• Student Details
  • Father's / Guardian's Details
  • Mother's Details
  • Declaration
Note: Fill the Online Registration form according to your passport details., Never reload the page while filling the form
Student Details
Please enter first name.
Please enter last name.
Please select a gender.
Please enter date of birth.
Please select a blood group.
Please enter passport no.
Please enter place of issue.
Please enter passport date of issue.
Please enter passport expiry date.
Please enter valid Qatari ID
Please enter Qatari ID expiry date.
Please enter qatar entry date.
(allow jpg,jpeg,png and size < 5 MB)
Please upload a photo.
(allow jpg,jpeg,png,pdf and size < 5 MB)
Please upload passport copy.
(allow jpg,jpeg,png,pdf and size < 5 MB)
Please upload Qatari ID copy.
Home Address
Zone No.

Father's / Guardian's Details
Please enter first name.
Please enter last name.
Please enter email ID.
Please enter mobile no.
Please enter telephone no.
Please enter passport no.
Please enter passport expiry date.
Please enter valid Qatari ID
(allow jpg,jpeg,png,pdf and size < 5 MB)
Please upload father's passport copy.
(allow jpg,jpeg,png,pdf and size < 5 MB)
Please upload Qatari ID copy.

Mother's Details
Please enter first name.
Please enter last name.
Please enter valid Qatari ID
(allow jpg,jpeg,png,pdf and size < 5 MB)
Please upload mother's passport copy.
(allow jpg,jpeg,png,pdf and size < 5 MB)
Please upload Qatari ID copy.

Please accept all the terms and conditions.
Please select date.